And we're off!
Yesterday was hectic! Discovered that one bag was just too old to use, so Chris had to brave the "Black" Friday crowds and go to the mall. He went late in the day so the crowds weren't too bad, and scored a really nice, sturdy bag with a multitude of zips!
I spent some time with Toni, filling her in on all the stuff about the kitties, the house etc. Hooked up her computer.
Did the final paperwork, paid bills and finally last night, checked us in and got our boarding passes.
So this morning, it's water the plants, shower, have something to eat and hit the road.
9 am pickup
10:15 airporter bus
12 at SeaTac
gave ourselves time for holiday travelers and checking
3:35 to San Francisco
5:15 arrive SF
7:25 leave for Auckland
cross the dateline
5:15 am arrive on 27th
8:15 flight to Rotorua
9:00 am arrive Rotorua
10:00 Tauranga - and a nap!
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Thursday, November 23, 2006
We survived Thanksgiving, in fact everything is on track to just pack up tomorrow and leave first thing Saturday.
Thanksgiving was actually a lot of fun, and of course, way too much food. We could have had another 10 people here and still has leftovers. As it was, Susan loaded everything up and will make care packages for Danelle and Bill. We certainly don't need anything, but I did keep the macadamia coconut tart - mmmm - with whipped cream, delicious! The table turned out great - right in front of the windows and the sun even came out for a couple of minutes - the rest of the time, yes, you're right, it rained!
Hinckley was very sociable, but Buddy kept to himself and hid under the bed. Probably the safest place to stay away from a two-year old!
So tomorrow, pack it up, check the tickets, make sure Toni knows everything she should know and then Saturday, off to the land of the great white cloud.
Posted by
5:57 PM
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
It's finally dawning on me that we leave in 2 1/2 days! The house is a disaster and we have people coming for Thanksgiving tomorrow.
But I think I have it under control.
Made reservations on the airport shuttle from Silverdale. It works out cheaper than having Toni drive us to SeaTac and pick us up. And we don't have to worry about driving in what I think is going to be heavy traffic on Saturday.
Of course, it never fails that we start to get busy. I have an offer on a house that is in counteroffer mode and have to show that same house this evening. And cook. And sort out the house.
Oh well...
It will all be worth it, I will feel that it's for real when I get on the plane. Until then, it's unreal.
Posted by
10:44 AM
New Zealand
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Six days and counting!
But it's just amazing how the list of things to do gets longer - and longer - as we get closer to departure day! I've been so busy the past week, you'd think I'd be packed and waiting at the door by now, but no! Especially with Thanksgiving two days before we leave. It just seems more and more things crop up that have to be taken care of.
We hauled out the bags last night - looks like we should be ok but will have to check them over because one of them had a fix in South Africa that may - or may not - last and if that's the case, we will have to go shopping! And I don't want to add to the list of things to do. We are each allowed two bags each weighing 50 pounds! That's a lot of stuff! Chris is taking his golf clubs, so that takes out one bag but I'm sure we can "make do" with just 150 pounds of clothing. After all, it IS summer down there.
And talking about clothes, I found a place online that has inexpensive camp shirts, all sorts of colors and patterns, and capris too, so I am set. Taking a couple of "good" outfits but mostly casual and as we will, for the most part, be based in Tauranga, we can leave stuff there when we take overnights and short trips.
We will be staying with Jenni, my niece. Zoze and Bryan are there too, so they have hired a caravan (trailer) and parked it in the garden for us! Pretty cool! Tauranga is south east of Auckland, a two-and-a-half hour drive. The town is on the Bay of Plenty and looks absolutely wonderful.
We wired money over there to Zoze and will open a bank account so we will have an ATM card, which apparently is used as much there as here. Cash is going the way of the dodo bird. I think it will be a good idea to rent a cell phone while we are there, so will check that out too. Our phones of course won't work there and Verizon wants to charge hugely per minute.
So despite the push and stress of getting ready, the rewards are going to be great!
Posted by
6:26 AM
getting ready,
New Zealand,
travel preparation