Friday, December 15, 2006

Thoughts on New Zealand

New Zealand drivers are some of the worst I have ever encountered! Driving around here can be really hairy. The general speed limit seems to be 100 km but there is a sign that reads, "This is not a target." I think anything over that is what drivers aim for, regardless of road conditions. the typical country roads are windy, narrow and rolling, up and down, up and down. There are big signs indicating what the safe speed is for the curves, ranging from 35 (really sharap) to 85, just a bend. But drivers ignore these, not only flying at speeds that to me are plain stupid, but passing on blind corners, and tailgating like I've neer experienced. One "heavy" was on my tail on a steep incline, so close that if I had put on my brakes (which if I did in the rental car would have brought us to a stop) the truck driver wouldn't have been able to see the lights. It is very scary driving here. It's actually quite surprising how rude the drivers are too, as in person and out of their car armour, we have found the Kiwis to be very polite, friendly and helpful.

But other than scary drivers, the country seems to be very safe. We've seen a lot of signs though, that say "Lock it or lose it," so theft in some of the areas is a problem. Although we haven't seen too much graffiti, it is around but the city councils seem to be on top of it and keep it painted over. There apparently has been vandalism as well. A small train museum that we wanted to check out was closed, due to vandalism of the carriages. So all is not as perfect as one would expect.

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